Federalist 10

21 Dec 2017

In order to make my blogs interesting, I wanted to also educate people on certain topics. Today’s special topic is Federalist 10.

Link to the Federalist 10

Background Information of Federalist Papers

The Federalist Papers were written by James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and John Jay promoting the United States Consitution to people from the state of New York. They wrote under the name Publius to speak about unfavorable ideas. In total, there were 85 essays written. Of the 85 essays, 5 were written by John Jay, 29 were written by James Madison, and 51 were written by Alexander Hamilton.

Federalist 10 Background Information

This Federalist Paper was written by James Madison published on November 29, 1787. It was titled “The Utility of the Union as a Safeguard Against Domestic Faction and Insurrection”. Madison argued that the Constitution prevents/controls violence between faction. The Constitution is also necessary to void injustice as it always causes downfall. Also, the current system under the Articles of Confederation as laws are made by the majority not justice. It also provided more power to states.

Methods to cure issues of factions

  1. Remove its causes
    • Destroy Liberty
    • Everyone has same beliefs
      • Not possible
      • Factions are inevitable due to unequal distribution of property
  2. Control its effects
    • Purpose of Constitution

Why the Constitution though?

The framers intended to create a government where many elect a few. This is neither a direct nor a pure democracy as the majority always wins and cannot protect the minority. Also, nobody can judge their own cause as it produces bias. In order to prevent bias, there needs to be a solid justice system. The solution is the Constitution as it lays down the laws the majority needs to follow. This helps minimize the effect of factions as it limits the effects of the unequal distribution of property.

Methods to Maintain Public Good

  1. Passion/Cause needs to be stopped
  2. It needs to be made hard to pass laws

Differences between Pure & American Democracy

  1. Delegation of Government to Small Groups
    • Clearer public views are addressed
    • Elected does everything in the true interest of constituents
  2. More citizens leads to more representatives.
  3. More factions leads to weaker factions.
  4. Union of States are needed to lower the number of factions.
    • Create National Boundaries
  5. States need to understand that people have a lot more in common than they have differences.
  6. States are better suited with a strong national government.


The Federalist 10 was considered as one of the greatest Federalist Paper written. Though factions were built, the Federalist 10 paper had a great influence on the passing of the Constition.

I hope you learned something new after reading this.