Today, I’ll take a break from talking about politics. Earlier today, I had a very intersting conversation about how technology has changed life. I was born in 1999 and in my eighteen years, I have seen massive changes in technology. With some research, I figured out that snake on the old Nokia phones were popular. VHS was still the primary source of video and dial-ups to the internet were still a thing. By the time I had reached an age to use technology, however, most of these technologies were near obsolete. In 2004, the Motorola Razr was the new craze. Desktops were also very popular at this time. I clearly remember thinking to myself that technology could not get any better than it is today. However, 13 years later, I was clearly mistaken. Technology has exponentially improved to new heights that were incomprehensible back then.
This change is great but there are great repercussions. For example, Gen Z students have acclimated to life with technology. However, it needs to still be used in moderation. If not, then it can pose numerous health issues. Also, when children accept technology to be the societal norm without understanding the steps that led to it, then the sustained innovation that improves lives would be lost to history. This was just a cool idea to think over.